Welcome to the Financial Hub

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Who we are

Creating a footprint for your foundation. The Hub is your daily dose of financial news that brings facts and closing the gap to become a solution. 


A digital resource center that helps nations, small businesses, and individuals to connect with financial resources to aid their finances and goals.


Investing into yourself, Learning, Transform, Honesty, Integrity, Community and Freedom


Financial Leadership Center is a digital resource and networking institution where like-minded individuals and professionals can socialize and flourish. We have established the FLC Hub as ground zero for all individuals and businesses to build upon their financial ventures and goals. By offering an array of support, financial tips, and tricks to choose from, our members can take advantage of our community app to find resources that can help them understand the public and private sector to create financial stability. Becoming a part of FLC Hub is a great way to start your financial footprint, make connections, and develop a financial skill set for you and your family.

What we offer:

- Free Membership - FLC News Feed Our news feed gives financial updates, tips, and free downloads.

-The Community Member will have access to the news feed as well as... 

  • The Public Sector (pubs), is where small business owners and individuals can learn how to move in this economy we share valuable information with FLCHUB members, and set goals to help you advance and connect you with the right people and businesses.   

  • The Private Sector (pvts),  is where small business owners and individuals can learn how to transition from public to private sovereignty in this economy by sharing valuable information with FLCHUB members only.  Our goal is to help you advance and connect you with the right people and businesses that will be beneficial to your life as a whole.                               
  • K-Hub (kh), the k-hub is a private access pool of contracts for FLC members to use in real estate transactions, partnerships, disclosures agreements, and contracts requests if they are available. All agreements are in doc format, please seek an attorney if needed.
  • FLC Hub-lo-pedia (hlp), is a digital encyclopedia and a resource of financial content on the web combined with financial understanding, from retirement, investing education, and strategies.

Why you should join

Joining FLC HUB you will feel supported and less alone. Take away confusion and frustration within your journey. Reading about what others are dealing with from fearing jobs and income loss, can help ease stress or inspire you to reach your goals. This community can teach you the basics of building a portfolio, how to budget, start a new business, how to purchase your first home, partnering with a team who can help you thrive in other streams of income, and give you updates on new apps and financial tools you can use.

There is so much we can achieve together as a team. We are here to close the gap and become a solution with much more to explore. 

A Big Thanks

We would like to say thank you...

Thank you for being who you are because it really makes a difference in our financial community. 

Because of you, our community can help billions of people find their own path by building their foundation and creating a road map for their generations to come. You have become a supporter and we appreciate you. Any time that you need guidance, please don't hesitate to ask questions publicly or privately so that we can better serve you and find a solution from us or the hub community.